Rent guarantee

Rent deposit

How much does the SmartCaution rental guarantee cost?

Amount (= 3x monthly rent)

*your guarantee is ≥ CHF 15,000.- continue your registration and we will send you a personalized offer.

Start of the lease
Following years
CHF 150.-

In the first year, the amount of your premium is calculated according to the date you moved in:

January, February, March CHF 120.-
April, May, June CHF 99.-
July, August, September CHF 75.-
October CHF 45.-
November CHF 35.-
December CHF 25.-

In subsequent years, your annual premium will be CHF 25 + 5% of the guarantee amount.

Monday - Friday
Monday - Friday
9:00 - 12:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Route des Acacias 24<br />
CH-1227 Carouge
Route des Acacias 24
CH-1227 Carouge
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